What are the top access control trends from ISC West 2024?

ISC West proved to be an exceptional event in 2024. I’ve been to security conferences around the world but ISC West stood out as the single event where everyone shows up. This, along with the Vegas lights give it incredible energy and diversity.

Through many conversations and meetings at our booth and in private meetings, I came away with the top access control trends that are set to redefine the way we think about securing spaces.

Top 3 access control trends at ISC West 2024.

  • Evolution from CCTV to AI-enabled surveillance – The impact on access control: This isn’t your grandma’s CCTV. AI is now the heavy hitter in threat detection, offering a keen eye for behavioral quirks and unauthorized access. The integration of this tech into access control systems means real-time analysis and response, making it tougher for any fishy business to go unnoticed. Plus, cloud connectivity is pushing CCTV systems into a new era. At MOCA we are riding this wave; next month we will launch our initial video integration into Airfob Space, allowing you to view footage from your Onvif compatible cameras right in our access control platform.
  • On-premise servers to cloud-based systems: 2024 marks a clear shift from clunky on-premise servers to sleek cloud solutions. This move isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s a game-changer for both cost efficiency and operational smoothness. Companies now favor the predictable billing of subscriptions, saving a bundle on initial setups. These cloud systems simplify updates and maintenance too, freeing up precious time. Airfob shines here as well, offering systems that let designated personnel, like HR managers, manage access privileges directly, enhancing workflow without risking security breaches or system mishaps.
  • Merging digital door locks with access control systems: It’s a growing trend that promises enhanced security and streamlined entry processes. Yet, the reality is often marred by high costs and complex setups that need to tie locks back to access control units and on-premise servers using miles of RS-485 cables and expensive wireless gateways. At Airfob we’re tackling this head-on, proposing an elegant solution by making digital door locks directly compatible with our mobile credentials. This simplified approach provides a cost-effective alternative to traditional setups, 100% cloud-managed.

Innovation needed in retail and residential.

In retail, access control readers and digital door locks are not just about locking up; they’re about intelligent management of entry points, essential in today’s era of unmanned and semi-automated stores. This tech allows store owners to control access remotely, track movements, and ensure that only the right people can enter at the right times. In residential communities, the technology ensures that access is granted appropriately across multiple family and service personnel entries, alleviating the congestion typically seen at peak times.

What people liked about Airfob.

How do I say this humbly? It’s clear why Airfob is gaining traction. Our offerings are not only friendly for you wallet but also scale beautifully across multiple locations. We support various credential types and feature a federated site structure, which allows for centralized control over multiple locations, simplifying the management and enhancing the security posture across the board.

Airfob is a comprehensive access control solution designed to meet the evolving needs of modern businesses and residential communities. Its 100% cloud and mobile-first approach make it the solution of choice for small and large deployments.

What people liked the most:

  • Competitive pricing and scalability, making it easy to deploy and manage access control across multiple locations.
  • Support for various credential types, including mobile credentials, RFIDs, and the innovative Link Pass feature, offering unparalleled flexibility and convenience.
  • Federated site structure, enabling centralized management of access control settings and user permissions across multiple sites from a single dashboard.

At Airfob, we are committed to revolutionizing access control by providing intuitive, cost-effective solutions that enhance security, streamline operations, and empower businesses to thrive in an ever-changing landscape.