Revolutionizing Access Control for Rental Properties.

Embarking on a proptech revolution, Mamikos, Indonesia’s largest proptech company, partners with MOCA System to introduce keyless entry to 200,000 boarding houses (“kost”). In a rental landscape dominated by boarding houses and driven by a tech-savvy youth demographic, Mamikos leverages smartphones to redefine tenant experiences. Facing challenges in managing access control at scale, Mamikos and MOCA System unveil MAMIKEY, a mobile app replacing traditional keys with smart locks.

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The reliance on physical keys presents inherent security risks, exacerbated by the high turnover rate of tenants, leading to concerns about unauthorized access and compromised safety.

Additionally, logistical complexities arise from managing keys across millions of kost rooms, with diverse properties managed by different landlords scattered across various locations. This perpetual cycle of key distribution, retrieval, and replacement consumes valuable time and resources.


Partnering with MOCA System, Mamikos introduces MAMIKEY, mobile app-based access control solution that replaces traditional keys with smart locks and mobile credentials. By integrating MAMIKEY with existing digital door locks using Airfob Tag, Mamikos ensures compatibility across its vast network of kost properties, enabling seamless implementation and widespread adoption. 

With MAMIKEY, tenants can access their rooms instantly via their smartphones, while property owners gain remote access management capabilities, enhancing efficiency and security across Mamikos’ extensive rental portfolio.


Mobile credentials eliminate the hassles associated with traditional keys, enhancing the overall rental process for tenants and landlords.

The elimination of physical keys mitigates security risks and fosters a secure environment for both renters and property owners.

Tenants can secure mobile credentials online, enabling swift and secure access to their rented spaces, while property owners can manage apartment access remotely.

Tenant access control

MAMIKEY revolutionizes access for kost tenants by allowing them to effortlessly access their rooms using their smartphones. This aligns perfectly with the digital expectations of today’s lifestyles, providing a level of convenience that traditional keys cannot match. 

Remote property management

Through the integration of MAMIKEY with digital door locks, property owners gain the ability to manage apartment access remotely. This empowers them to save valuable time and effort while introducing a level of convenience that traditional key management systems cannot offer. 

Expansion of services

By integrating MAMIKEY with various amenities and services, Mamikos enhances the overall tenant experience, from facilitating smart access for deliveries and cleaning services to providing access to communal areas and neighborhood amenities, mobile credentials open doors to a myriad of possibilities.


Mamikos envisions expanding MAMIKEY’s adoption to all its properties, leveraging Airfob’s cloud approach for scale. Despite challenges such as limited smart lock penetration in the Indonesian market, Mamikos remains committed to proptech innovation and aims to establish a future where every Mamikos property becomes a dynamic, tech-enabled living space.

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